Vegan Waffles (oven-baked)

If you’ve been following my insta stories, you may have already seen my latest craze: forget pancakes – right now I’m all about the waffles. There’s something about the honeycomb-like structure that adds a special touch to this delicious breakfast treat. Maybe it’s the glorious little pools of maple syrup and perfect pockets of blueberries and other goodies that it creates? Whatever it is, I am fully here for it and happy to spread more waffle love with this quick recipe.

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Vegan Peanut Protein Bites

I’m a total sucker for a vegan protein bar. I don’t buy into the myth that a vegan diet leaves you lacking protein (my protein sources are definitely more varied than before) and I know there’s nothing magical about this particular macronutrient, especially not in a highly-processed form and shiny wrapper (ok, maybe there’s something about the shiny wrapper). Yet I still find myself reaching for any new product that comes my way – probably subliminally programmed by years of pro-protein messaging and the allure of the tasty flavors touted on the packaging.

However, when I tried some peanut protein bites the other day, I was struck by how easily I could make my own version – just as delicious (more, as I can confirm now ๐Ÿ™‚ ) and without any stabilizers or other dodgy ingredients. The end result are these super easy Peanut Protein bites – the only “fussy” ingredient being peanut powder (for more information on it and a possible substitution see the notes below). This is a recipe that’s already becoming a staple – after all, it’s never not a good time for a tasty little protein bite!

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Best No-Bake Brownies

If you liked last week’s blondies you’ll love their chocolatey counterparts! While I honestly can’t decide which version I’m in in love with more (you can’t pick favorites among your babies…), they definitely got the bigger reaction from my boyfriend.

They’re rich, fudgy, chocolatey and just as nutritious as their chickpea-based cousins thanks in part to the black beans. Before the word black beans sends you running, hear me out: I’ve made my fair share of “healthy” brownies, including ones with black beans and applesauce, and the fully raw brownies so packed with dates that they appear more like a cacao energy ball masquerading as a brownie. Neither had me fully convinced. These no bake brownies are not like those. They don’t taste healthy or “too raw”. They’re soft, moorish, taste nothing of beans, and I’m convinced the luxurious cacao butter, which gives it that melt in the mouth feel, takes them to another level. Give them a go and let me know what you think!

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No-Bake Blondies

These beauties are pure blondie bliss. Not only do they taste delightfully sweet with notes of white chocolate, toffee and vanilla, but they’re full of plant-based goodness – from dates, oats and nut butter to the clandestine chickpeas. Maple syrup provides some extra sweetness while the melted cacao butter adds to the richness of the texture. Roasted peanuts round these off with a salty crunch.

Even better? No need to turn on the oven and if you’ve got a blender there’s also no need to clean multiple bowls. They’re as simple as they are sweet.

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Dark Chocolate Sandwich Cake

This recipe is the love child of elements of the Spongy Chocolate Cake and the cream filling of the Double Chocolate Cream Tarts. The pairing is glorious enough to deserve its own post and provide inspiration for a fabulously fudgy, chocolatey and creamy celebration cake.

A chocolate sandwich cake to me is one of the best indulgences. Perfect for a birthday, any other special occasion or just because you feel like it ๐Ÿ˜‰ The dark chocolate and the natural sweeteners (date paste and some maple syrup) result in a “mature” semisweet richness, while providing more fiber and nutrition than a standard chocolate cake. The fact that it got the stamp of approval from my Dad (a sceptic of vegan desserts, after experiencing some epic fails from my early plant-based days) was a reason for celebration on its own!

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Jammy Fudge Bars

Indulgent fudge without cream and lots of refined sugar? Definitely possible and highly advisable.

Cacao butter is one of the key ingredients of this recipe, providing a creamy and subtly fragrant base, which is enriched by the peanut butter and naturally sweetened with dates and some maple syrup. The salt and vanilla enhance the flavor, while a bit of maca or lucuma (both naturally sweet with a slightly fruity-yet-caramel-like aroma) rounds it all off. You can feel free to add in extra elements like raisins nor chopped nuts.

The fudge can be enjoyed on its own or combined with an oaty base and some jam sandwiched in between for a more substantial treat. I love the different textures and tastes in the various layers and find it an all-round satisfying sweet treat ๐Ÿ™‚

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Double Chocolate Cream Tarts

It’s time for another seriously chocolatey recipe. I present to you a ridiculously easy and wonderfully satisfying vegan chocolate cream (it’s almost mousse-like), perfectly paired with a raw, oat-based cacao crust. Both elements require minimal ingredients and are so easy to whip up. This may well be one of my favourite recipes I’ve made (of course it had to be a chocolate one).

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Chickpea Cookie Dough Bars

Most people will agree that cookies are delicious, cookie dough is even better and that cookie dough bars may just be the portable pinnacle of a seriously satisfying treat, steeped in childhood sentimentality and a true party for the tastebuds. Combining the indulgence of cookie dough bars with nutritious ingredients like chickpeas, oats and dates is the ultimate win in my opinion – the pursuit of which is how these bean-based babies were born.

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